It can be divided into two types: single walled tubes and multi walled tubes. Carbon nanotubes with one-dimensional structure are cylindrical in shape, hollow inside, and have good electronic conductivity. The fiber structure can make point-to-point contact with the active material, forming a continuous conductive network in the electrode active material, serving as a "wire", which is beneficial for improving battery capacity, rate performance, battery cycle life, and reducing battery interface impedance.
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NMP has excellent physical and chemical properties. Including high boiling point, strong polarity, low viscosity, low corrosiveness, large solubility, low volatility, good stability, biodegradable, easy to recycle, etc., a large number of used in the field of lithium batteries, is a lithium battery production process, high-quality and indispensable organic solvents, and is widely used in petrochemical, pesticide, pharmaceutical, electronic materials and other fields.
Plexus HA1820
EV housing Sealing Plexus®HA1803/1820
• Air tightness: ≥ 6000Pa • Room temperature curing (two component) • Adhesive strength: ≥ 7Mpa • Elongation at break: 300%